Vitamin D-uh? Plenish Little Shot Shop challenges adults’ vitamin knowledge

By on Monday, July 1, 2024

It’s time adults catch up with kids on their vitamin knowledge…

Following research proving that British schoolchildren are smarter than adults when it comes to vitamins, the health drinks brand Plenish has set up a vitamin shot stall staffed exclusively by those most knowledgeable – kids!

The ‘Little Shot Shop’ was set up on Portobello Road, the children quizzed passers-by on their knowledge and distributed health shots including Ginger Immunity and Mango Sunshine, providing 100% of daily Vitamin C and D respectively.

The stall comes following a survey by Plenish revealing that whilst one in five British school children could correctly identify the 13 essential vitamins, only 5% of adults could do the same. 

Most shockingly, 1 in 10 adults thought ketchup counted as part of the ‘five-a-day’ and 1 in 4 thought broccoli was a protein.

Indeed, the top 10 foods Brits mistakenly believe to be part of the five-a-day are:

  1. Potato 
  2. Nuts
  3. Sweet Potato Fries
  4. Pickles
  5. Yoghurt
  6. Hummus
  7. Milk
  8. Honey
  9. Chips
  10. Spaghetti Hoops

To spill the beans on whether YOU are smarter than kids, Plenish launched an online Vitamin quiz which you can try for yourself here.

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