JUBEL throws an epic secret party behind a billboard
By Brooke Bolcho on Monday, January 22, 2024
Inspired by Carlsberg’s iconic billboard campaign, JUBEL’s “Definitely the best poster in the world” stunt takes it one step further… their billboard not only pours you a free pint but also serves as the gateway to a secret party!
Amidst the post-holiday hibernation when January is often the loneliest time of the year, JUBEL opened the doors – quite literally – to a party behind their special billboard to encourage human interaction and help people beat the January blues together. The party was held on the third Thursday of January, arguably the most bleak week of the month, and exceeded expectations as it reached the 100 person capacity within its first hour.
The idea came during a casual brainstorming session at the Queen’s Head in Shoreditch, fuelled by a few pints of JUBEL, when the team walked past a billboard as someone came out of a door right next to it – thus sparking the concept of hidden door in a billboard that pours pints as entry tickets to an exclusive party.
Jesse Wilson, founder of JUBEL said, “Our brand is all about getting people together, having a pint, and creating unforgettable memories. These are all things that we particularly crave in January, and we thought taking Carlsberg’s billboard stunt up a notch was a great way to do it”.