Horror movie causes viewers to collapse and vomit

By on Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pretty over the top title, right?

Horror movie V/H/S, which is about a group of criminals searching for a video tape inside an abandoned house, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah this month.

Sundance Film Festival V/H/S PR stunt

According to the Daily Mail, two audience members had to be treated by paramedics during a screening. A man collapsed and suffered seizures allegedly as a result of the graphic nature of the film, while his girlfriend ran into the lobby and ‘began to vomit’ as he was being tended to.

Somewhat less interestingly, a woman is said to have ‘left in tears’ the night before.

All I’ll say is, if I needed to create a bit of publicity around a relatively low budget horror film, I’d possibly consider placing people who would act react in such a way and then tweet/publicise the fact afterwards. That’s not to say this isn’t true (I probably have to say that for legal reasons), but that’s just what I think would make people take notice.

Source: The Daily Mail



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