Lynx Attract sponsoring Edinburgh pandas during mating season

By on Friday, March 16, 2012

In honestly, I don't have much for this post beyond the title, but it's a good example of a brand using something (relatively) fresh to promote itself, so thought it deserved a spot.

lynx sponsor edinburgh panda zoo

Lynx Attract ‘For Him’ & ‘For Her’ is sponsoring giant pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang at Edinburgh Zoo during mating season.

It was only a matter of time before somebody worked out a reason – no m

atter how tenuous, to sponsor them – wasn't it?

Lynx has made it clear that the pandas won't be sprayed with the scent – thankfully – and assured us all that scent plays an important part in the panda mating process. It's unclear how much Lynx is paying to sponsor the pandas, and I'm also not sure what their sponsorship money will go towards, so really, I've given you nothing in this post beyond the title and a nice picture of pandas.

Source: The Drum, via Ishbel Macleod


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