Tango spray paints Londoners orange in exchange for free Majorca holiday

By on Monday, July 8, 2024

In one of the weirdest, wackiest and most entertaining stunts pulled recently, Tango launched a pop-up body spray painting clinic in Shoreditch, inviting the public to quite literally “Get Tango’d”.

Volunteers were spray-painted in the iconic Tango Orange hue, transformed into walking advertisements emblazoned with the “Get Tango’d” tagline.

In exchange for their courage, participants were in with the chance of winning free flights to Majorca for themselves and a guest – promising a more natural, sun-kissed orange glow!

The pop-up event was announced a week in advance by influencer Cal Ryan through an entertaining video on his Instagram. In the video, he travelled to Majorca covered from head to toe in Tango spray paint, encouraging his followers to do the same at the pop up, which he hosted.


This campaign continues Tango’s legacy of bold and daring promotions, originally popularized by their 1992 “You Know When You’ve Been Tango’d” campaign.


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